Kenya's Land Registration Act 2012 PDF

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The Kenya Land Registration Act, enacted in 2012, is a crucial legislation aimed at reforming and streamlining the land registration process in Kenya. The Act seeks to establish a comprehensive and efficient land registration system that promotes secure land tenure, facilitates land transactions, and supports the country's economic development. The primary objectives of the Act are: 1. To revise, consolidate, and rationalize the registration of titles to land. 2. To provide for the rights and obligations of landowners and other stakeholders in the land registration process. 3. To establish a transparent and reliable system of land records and cadastral maps. 4. To facilitate the transfer, transmission, and registration of land rights and interests. 5. To address land-related disputes and provide mechanisms for their resolution. The Act replaces and consolidates several previous land registration laws, including the Registered Land Act (Cap. 300), the Registration of Titles Act (Cap. 281), and the Land Titles Act (Cap. 282). One of the key features of the Act is the establishment of a centralized and digitized Land Registration Management System (LRMS). This system aims to maintain accurate and up-to-date records of all registered land in Kenya, including cadastral maps, land ownership details, and any encumbrances or restrictions on the land. The Act outlines the procedures for the initial registration of land, including the requirements for conducting surveys, preparing cadastral maps, and adjudicating claims to land. It also provides for the registration of different types of land tenure, such as freehold, leasehold, and community land rights. Moreover, the Act streamlines the processes for land transactions, such as transfers, transmissions, subdivisions, and amalgamations. It introduces mechanisms to ensure the validity and security of land transactions, including the use of electronic signatures and the maintenance of a register of powers of attorney. The Act also establishes the Office of the Chief Land Registrar, who oversees the land registration system and ensures its efficient and transparent operation. Additionally, it provides for the appointment of land registrars at various levels, outlining their roles and responsibilities in the registration process. Furthermore, the Act addresses land disputes by establishing specialized land courts and alternative dispute resolution mechanisms. It also introduces provisions for the rectification of land registration errors and the indemnification of parties affected by such errors. Overall, the Kenya Land Registration Act 2012 represents a comprehensive effort to modernize and streamline the land registration system in Kenya, promoting secure land tenure, facilitating land transactions, and supporting economic development through a transparent and efficient land administration framework.