Kenya's National Land Commission Act 2012 PDF

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The Kenya National Land Commission Act, enacted in 2012, is a key legislation that establishes the National Land Commission (NLC) as an independent constitutional body responsible for the management and administration of public land in Kenya. The Act outlines the Commission's mandate, powers, and functions, as well as its governance structure and operational framework. The primary objectives of the Act are: 1. To establish the National Land Commission and define its composition, powers, and functions. 2. To provide for the management and administration of public land by the Commission. 3. To facilitate the Commission's role in advising the national and county governments on land policy and land management. 4. To outline the Commission's responsibilities in respect to land acquisition, registration, and allocation. 5. To promote the sustainable management and utilization of land resources in Kenya. The Act stipulates that the NLC shall be an independent body comprising nine members appointed by the President, with approval from the National Assembly. The Commission is mandated to manage and administer public land on behalf of the national and county governments, including the allocation, registration, and revocation of public land rights and interests. Furthermore, the Act empowers the NLC to advise the national and county governments on land policy and land management, as well as to monitor and oversee land use planning throughout the country. The Commission is also responsible for investigating historical land injustices and recommending appropriate redress measures. The Act outlines the Commission's specific functions, which include facilitating the registration of public land, monitoring and enforcing compliance with land laws and regulations, and facilitating the resolution of land disputes through alternative dispute resolution mechanisms. Additionally, the Act establishes the NLC's governance structure, including the appointment of a chairperson, vice-chairperson, and members, as well as the formation of various committees to support the Commission's operations. It also provides for the appointment of a Secretary to the Commission and other staff members. The Act ensures transparency and accountability in the NLC's operations by requiring the Commission to maintain proper records, prepare annual reports, and undergo regular audits. It also establishes mechanisms for public participation and consultation in the Commission's decision-making processes. Overall, the Kenya National Land Commission Act 2012 is a crucial piece of legislation that aims to promote the efficient and equitable management of public land resources, address historical land injustices, and support the implementation of sound land policies in Kenya.